Monday, June 4, 2012

Island Hike

May 19, 2012

Our troop went on a hike on Amelia Island.  We walked about 12 miles through Fort Clinch and looped around the island.  We took a break and had lunch at a pond.  Native plants were located and observed.  Lots of requirements were met.  It was great practice for a survival hike!

Camporee 2012

April 20-22, 2012
Our troop attended Baden Powell District Camporee at Carey State Forest.  We had fun throwing knives, tomahawks, and spears.  Making survival bracelets were also a hit!

Welcome to our Troop!!!

Troop 701 welcomes a new batch of Webelos 2's!!! They bridged over in Feb 2012 and are anxious to start attending the troop meetings and activities - Welcome to Boy Scouts!!!